Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rescuing Child Sex Workers

Rescuing Child Sex Workers


  1. This along with the other video is heartbreaking. The thought that this is going on as we go on with our daily lifes and not even thinking twice about what may be goin on else where is really put to the forefront. I think this goes to show that we must continue to make this a public topic and show just how unjust these situations are. The fact that there are seven year olds committing suicide is unimaginable to me. Seven, I cant even put into words how heartbreaking that is, and this is not just one case or two its 30% of the girls who end up in this horid situation. Awareness on a public and global level definately needs to happen!

  2. totally in agreement with you nelly something else needs to be done to assist with this major issue that many of todays youth are facing.

  3. and talk about.

    This is not a topic to shy from, or a topic to speak about lightly.

    What stuck out to me from what I read was that police officers were doing this to children, as well as the fact that children were not just taken. They were sold, on purpose, by their family members.

    This woman who has put together these shelters for girls has done something amazing. Although it holds only a small portion of the young girls that are being sold, she is making a difference.

    As spoke about before in regards to what we can do to make someones life as back to normal as possible. It was talked about that these woman have a hard time ever loving or trusting a man, or you hear of young girls committing suicide due to their past experiences.

    We as social workers should advocate for these young girls in finding ways to help them psychologically.

  4. My knowledge on human trafficking was little to none before I began researching and reading more on the topic. Nelly I agree, we go on with our daily lives unaware of what's going on around us. After reading articles and viewing videos, it has left me speechless, but more so saddened than anything. I even tried to imagine "what if I was a victim, or someone I knew was a victim of human trafficking?" The thought really send chills, especially after learning in this video that many girls actually lose their identity.
    I posted this video because it shows there's some form of help and rescue going on. I think the young lady who was once a victim serves as a jewel to the young girls currently experiencing it. However, there is definitely a need for more rescue efforts. The government needs to crack down on this crime. As social workers, we are the beginning voices to be heard against this.

