Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Modern Slavery - Human Trafficking


At the end of the video, a gentleman says: "Justice is what love looks like in public" Do you agree?
What are your thoughts on this video? Does it cause you to question what is it you will do?


  1. I had chills throughout the entire video!

    This video does a very good job at portraying the large problem of human trafficking. It has statistics, pictures, and interviews that are real life, happening to real children across the world.

    The video clip really makes you think how disturbing and unjust some people in this world could be. These are innocent children, some as young as 5yrs old, being used to fulfill others wants/needs.

    The entire subject is very disturbing to me. These children need social workers and other people to step up and fight for their rights as human beings. They need a safe place where they can be the children that they should be.

  2. Definitely a heartbreaking video and heartbreaking situations. It does make you want to do something about this, like right now. I would say continuing to pressure our elected reps and state department to stay active in fighting this worldwide, empowering communities through education and resources, giving law enforcement the resources to bring traffickers to justice, fighting global poverty to give better options for families to survive are just a few thoughts I have.

  3. The man who says "Justice is what love looks like in public" is Dr. Cornel West.

  4. Wow, even with the warning that this video is graphic I was not prepared for the mass amounts of statistics that were given. The one women in the video said, "If your not seeing it, your not looking for it" which I think is what happens with all social problems. If it is not continously brought up to the public eye then we tend to just push it aside and not think about it. We need to continue to advocate for causes such as this that are creating a huge unjustice to INNOCENT young children. There childhood is being stolen from them and can never be returned.

    I aslo found the story of the young girl in rehabilitation very powerful and evident that more resources need to be in place for surviors of human trafficking. She stated that the young girl wasnt crying becuase of all the things that had been done to her, but because after treatment she had to return back to the very same enviornment that she was rescued from. Insuring that no one should ever have to be subjected to that enviornment once, let alone twice is something that we as social workers have to advocate for and create a greater awareness of how common and prevelant this issue really is.

    As for Justice being love shown in public. I think thats a good way of interpretting what we as social workers try to accomplish when we advocate for our causes.

  5. Also at the very end of the video I think she says that, "We put a man on the moon, and have dolphin organizations"? If that is what she said then wow...what a statement. So true! We have organizations for just about anything. Surely we can advocate that Human Trafficking is at Just and greatly in need cause!

  6. Since we are talking a lot about HOW to get people more involved and aware so that this type of treatment can end, I wanted to note that talking and lobbying does work. It just may take some time.

    I was going to include a post on Invisible Children, but found so much info that I decided against it.
    However, Invisible Children is, in my opinion, one of the most significant examples of what we can do to help. It was started by college graduates who learned about the child slavery going on in Uganda and essentially their grassroots efforts changed the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of children.

    I love this organization because I think they remind me that justice is an option. Below is a good overview video. And don't be surprised if it has you in tears as well, but in a good way.



  7. This is disturbing video for me. I hardly watch whole video. When I see the small child age of 9- 10 in room waiting for customer. It is a darker part of modern world. This video is really powerful to raise awareness about trafficking. good job.

  8. This was extremely hard to watch, honestly I couldn't continue to watch after the first minute of the video. to think that people could actually engage in this vicious activity is sickening.

  9. I agree that the images are really hard to watch...and because we don't personally see it happening, we may think it does not. But obviously as future social workers, our job is to be the voice for the oppressed and advocate for social justice. This type of injustice shouldn't happen, but it can only be brought down if we continue to talk and then somehow find ways to act - if only by writing letters to government officials.


  10. I agree with Anna, although it is hard to look at we still have to realize that children are experiencing this. We cannot turn our heads while another human being is being dehumanized. We owe to them to face it and do something about it.
