Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Human Trafficking Overview

While information and news of human trafficking is slowly starting to get out, there are still many who have no idea about what this is or who it involves.

Thanks to the movie "Taken," there is a greater audience talking about human trafficking and the violence and danger that it can bring. For those who have not seen the film, the main characters' daughter is taken/abducted by Albanian slave traders, while she is vacationing with a friend in France. When leaving the airport, the girls befriend a gentleman who kindly offers to share a cab with them. The men ends up finding out where they are staying, and later returns with other men to kidnap them and with the intent to use them in prostitution.

The gist may sound very theatrical and far fetched, but the reality is that many women are duped into believing that the strangers they meet will find them jobs or be their boyfriends, when in reality, they are being targeted for a life of slavery in the form of prostitution.

For those who have seen the movie:
  • Did you leave the movie worried that this could happen? What was your reaction to the movie?
For those who have not seen the movie, reading these two short personal stories may help to paint what goes on with human trafficking.
  • What are your initial thoughts?
This forum will help to clarify what human trafficking is and who it hurts/involves. The purpose will be to open up the discussion and allow for questions, answers and comments.

Since human trafficking affects more than just women, the following article is required, helpful reading to further open up our discussion and understanding.

"Human Trafficking - A geographical Perspective" by Sallie Yea.
This article can be found at the GSU library database and searching under Academic Search Complete.


  1. After I saw the movie "Taken" I became more aware of this social problem. I knew that human trafficking occurred, but I never thought of it happening in our country; or to American people. When I did hear of it happening, it alays seemed to be in poor countries...which is not always the case.

    A few months after I saw the movie, my roommate was leaving to study abroad. I was so concerned for her because the people who are in the trafficking business are sneaky you never know who to trust. She went and is now back home...safely!

    Overall, the movie made me open my eyes more to this huge social problem.

  2. I never really thought much about the social problem of human trafficking, but watching the movie "Taken" did change my perspective. I was extremely disturbed by the movie and I remember being very concerned. Still to this day the movie and the issue makes me sick to my stomach.

    I have realized more than ever the importance of educating society on issues, along with being able to prevent the matter from happening.

  3. Latrice B.

    The presented information help you to understand how human trafficking effect people around the world, particularly children who are innocent and impressionable. As mentioned many times through out the reading and movie clips, there are many people who are still not aware of this oppressed act forced upon people. This unethical act can effect anyone and should be advertised in areas where it is most prevalent in order to educate others and advocate for those who have been effected. The video really did give a vivid picture of of the emotional pain that one endure and how people are making millions of dollars by preying on innocent children and young adults by forcing them into this hideous
    life style. I am even more aware of human trafficking and the need for more advocacy that is needed to bring more education to communities and countries around the world,

  4. I did see the movie taken and I thought it was a great movie overall.

    I was very ignorant to Human Trafficking before that movie. I knew that it existed, but it was one of those "It would never happen to me". I think the movie did a great job in showing how easy someone can be taken for human trafficking and what a serious problem it is.

    I did leave the movie worried that this could happen to anyone, and it is a large social problem. As Megan brought up, she had a roomate that left to study abroad. I also had two roomates that studied abroad and it makes you worry. It also just makes you realize how careful you do have to be while traveling.
