Thursday, March 24, 2011


While human trafficking is a international issue that had spread at a rapid rate, prevention is the key.  The following are ways we can all fight against this problem.  While some are formal and informal, the all help for the greater cause.

*There are laws that promote the welfare of migrant workers and their families.
*Law enforcement should be active when issues of trafficking occur.  The suggested protocol would be prosecution of traffickers, investigation, identification, arrest, prosecution and punishment.
*Establishments who participate and support trafficking should be held accountable by having the establishment pay for the cost of the victims such as medical care.  Other options are also being considered.  For example, in the unfortunate event of death the establishment who supported trafficking should pay for the funeral costs.
*Nepal sponsors prevention homes for high school students to keep them safe.  While at these prevention homes students learn about prevention and go out and advocate.
*Many countries recruit volunteers to keep close vigils at boarders to assist and question new comers to ensure the safety of the new comer and divert trafficking.
*More education and wages specifically for women.

While all of the above mentioned tactics are helpful, the biggest way to prevent trafficking is to raise awareness in at risk communities.  There are many local agencies that raise awareness and help people identify the signs of human trafficking.

Are there anymore tactics you can think of that can help prevent human trafficking?


  1. As you mentioned, raising awareness about this issue is the biggest way to prevent this social problem from occuring. Educating people (of all ages), talking to them, and helping them understand the dynamics of this topic is very important.

    Educating police forces/law enforcement is also key. Making sure that they are aware of the problem would help in a big way. But being aware is not enough. They need to know how to spot human trafficking, how to handle it when they are confronted with it, and they need to know the precautions to take.

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Megan. I do not think people realize how severe this issue is, especially if it is a situation that they do not see on a daily basis. Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it's not happening.

    Being able to educate the law enforcement staff is very important, but Megan I agree with your comment about "being aware is not enough."

    The conference that GSU held on Human Trafficking was very informative in understanding the basics about such an issue. I think that further education is greatly needed in order to help professionals like social workers obtain new knowledge and preventative measures.

  3. I agree that we need to continue to drag this issue out into the light of day. It is not something people really want to face or deal with and its easy to leave in the shadows...but our goal should be to first educate ourselves and then spread that education in every way we can.

  4. I agree with eveyone, we need to educate ourselves first and formost and then educate on a public level. It is a topic that needs to be kept on the forefront and not pushed aside. I think that is what happens with alot of social problems, they may start off strong and with a strong support but as time goes by the public isnt really paying attention anymore.

  5. “Prevention is better than cure.’
    As we everybody agreed awareness is the crucial factor then any other prevention. I have worked few months in Nepal as a volunteer to raise awareness program. Poverty is always the 1st reason trafficker able to attract the family and innocent girl. I have seen not only the outsider own father sold his daughter for few thousands. Trafficker always tells the parents that we will find a job for her, she will make lots of money and your poor day will be over. So awareness is always important. We can develop local employment program. Local employment program help increase the household income. The hoarding board poster is also effective way to raise the awareness. This kind of poster and hoarding board discourage trafficker in some level.

  6. I agree with you all, but we should contionously educate law enforcement but the communities and the world in general. sex trafficking occurs at a high rate in the united states. so must find a way to educate. We should also make penalties harsher against individuals who promote sex trafficking.

  7. I agree with everyones statements and ideas that we need to make this a more well known social problem.

    We should get the police department involved. PSA's should be out, and as many said not only that Human Trafficking is out there, but, we need to have information out there in how to spot human trafficking, how to avoid it, and what to do if confronted by it.

  8. Yes! Everyone has made great points and I believe as social workers we have the power to make it happen.Darkness and light cannot exist together. While shedding light on this dark issue we can cause it to become less of a threat to our youth and children.

