Thursday, March 24, 2011


Victims of human trafficking face many obstacles once they are taken out of the situation.  The extent of help will most likely vary from victim to victim depending on the circumstances.  Some of the issues faced include emotional, mental and physical abuse, depression and post traumatic stress disorder to name a few.  There are programs that offer treatment for all of the above issues.  Other issues that are addressed in many rehabilitation programs are medical care, resources for housing, food and clothing, relocation, eduction, and life skills training.  Here is the United States we offer programs such as  the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) and the T Visa program.  The T Visa program allows a victim to remain in the United States to assist with investigation.  The victim receives assistance with transitioning back into the "normal" life and social service assistance.  If they prove they have "good" moral character and if they are here for three years while being employed they will be allowed citizenship.

Can you think of any services that are missing for these victims?


  1. How about the family re-union program. I am sure all victims has family member on their own. Once they have been taken by trafficker, there is always problem to go back home and have normal life. So I am looking for any program which support not only victim but also victim's family together to establish normal social relation in society. I had seen so many hate group for victims in society. They accused the victim for sex slave. So, I am looking for the program which directly involve not only with victim but also social group.
    Thank you,
    Saroj Uprety

  2. Hi Saroj,

    Since Trevla's video talked about women in Cambodia, I'm using that country as an example. The United Nations Development Fund for Women has a list of organization within Cambodia that offer aid to women and their families. I am not quite sure what you are looking for, but this link is just an example of what is out there.

  3. Trevla's video was titled "Rescuing Child Sex Workers"

  4. Mentioned above were services for education and life-skills training, but what about employment? Having and obtaining a "normal" job is important. These victims need to relearn "normal" life and realize that the job they were trafficked into doing is not a norm.

    Saroj, I also agree that a service to help locate family members and re-unite them is important.

  5. I think it is very important for an individual who was a victim of human trafficking to have a strong support system. Support groups or other forms of therapy may help an individual with their self confidence or self esteem.

  6. I think that the most important part of the rehabilitation process is getting them out of the environment they are in. If we provide resources for these individuals but send them right back to the same communities then nothing changes. Providing a good housing program would allow for this to be prevented in a large way.

    I agree with Saroj, Jessica and Megan. I think it is important to let the individuals affected by this to know that they can see their family again and that we will try to reunite them the best we can. Megan mentioned help finding employment. I think this is key, in todays economy not everyone needs a hand finding some sort of employment. Likewise going back to what Jessica stated about having a strong support system, all these parts are necessary to create that system that will allow the individual to continue to better their outcomes.

  7. I'm in agreement with you all, I believe that family reconnection is most important when assisting the sex traffickers during the normalizing their life process. But we might have to investigate the situation in which brought them into the sex trade. Many of these sex traffickers were probably sold by there family and want nothing to do with them, so we must think of ways to assist those who have no family backing.

    jacqueline oj

  8. I think it is very important to make sure than an individual that went through any human trafficking has a good support group coming out of such a tragic event.

    I am happy to see that there are some sort of organziations put into place at this time, but as Megan and Nelly discussed Employment is also important.

    When going through something so horrific, it is more than important to have places for an individual to go for support, emotionally, physically, and socially.

    I think putting something in place to find jobs for victims is a great idea, it is more than important to make sure a normal life is lived after such a terrible event.
